Monday, September 7, 2015

Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day weekend!  It looks like we really lucked out with some beautiful weather - just a little hot!  I'm looking forward to getting back into the classroom tomorrow!

Last week we focused mainly on learning the expectations and procedures in first grade!  We will continue to work on our classroom routines and expectations until we master them!  :)

This week we will do our best to follow our true first grade schedule!  We begin each morning with morning jobs and writing in our planners.  Please help your child to come to school prepared each morning with their blue folder, planner and book bag.  Also, please make a point to go through the blue folder with your child each evening.

After our morning jobs we meet together at the carpet for morning meeting.  This is a time for us to connect as a school family and commit to learning together and keeping everyone safe.  This time is followed by our calendar and weather report.  Next, students have an opportunity to order milk and enjoy their snack while I read a story.  Last week I read stories about the beginning of the school year.  This week we will read stories that will help us learn about manners in different parts of our school.

After snack we have our math lesson.  Currently we are reviewing math skills, such as number identification, number sequencing and counting.  This week we will also practice recognizing dot patterns and five frames.  This week your child will begin bringing home a math sheet for homework each day.

Our math time is followed by phonics.  This is a time we will be practicing a variety of skills to become proficient with understanding how words are made and can be broken apart.  Students will also learn new grade level words, and have time to practice writing and speaking these words.

Each day after phonics we have our 'specials' time.  Our schedule is as follows:
-Monday:  guidance or computer lab (alternating weeks)
-Tuesday:  music and physical education
-Wednesday:  library and computer lab
-Thursday:  music and physical education
-Friday:  art

After specialist time students head outside for recess from 11:05-11:30, followed by lunch from 11:30-11:55.

When we return to our classroom after lunch we have writer's workshop.  First, we have a focused mini lesson to each or review a writing skill.  Next, students have independent writing time.  We will end writer's workshop each day with time for a few students to share their writing with the class.

After writer's workshop we have shared reading time.  This is a time when we will read a story together and focus on a specific literacy skill.  This is a large group time that will last about 15 minutes.

Next, students will have independent literacy stations.  Eventually students will have six different literacy stations each week.  Currently, we have just begun building our stamina for read to self.  Last week students were able to read to self for 2 minutes without breaking their stamina.  Our goal is 15 minutes, so we will keep practicing!!!

Each afternoon we will end our day with a social studies or science themed lesson.  During the month of September we will have social studies lessons, which will focus on the themes of citizenship, school responsibilities and holidays.

Thanks for reading to learn a little more about what your child's school day will look like!


  1. happy labor day!! i am so pleased that math is a big focus. Lila struggles with math. so this will be a great opportunity for us to work on it as a family

    1. Math will be a huge focus in first grade! Something you can easily do at home is ask her to show you a number using her fingers. Our goal will be for her to be able to 'flash' all of the fingers at the same time, instead of counting them first. For example, if you ask her to show you 7, we want her to be able to put up 7 fingers all at the same time. This would be a great concept to work on! :)

  2. Thanks for sending an email to remind us of this blog. I had already forgotten! 😊
    Do you plan on updating us with spirit days, early releases, field trips, & school activities (book fair, dances...etc) on here as well?
    Those were additional reasons we always looked forward to the weekly letters.
    Thanks again. We look forward to meeting with you quickly on Thursday!

    1. Good morning Jesika!
      I will be posting reminders about upcoming events on here. I think there is a way that I could link our school calendar directly to this blog, but I need to research how to do that. :) Also, I will have the students write some of those reminders in their planners.
      See you on Thursday!
